Here's a view across the water over at Japan. I snapped this as we were leaving. Since we were done with breakfast after 9 and World Showcase doesn't open until 11, we headed back to Future World to ride Soarin' and do The Land and The Seas with Nemo and Friends.
On the way back to Future World, LOML and I about died with excitement. See what she's pointing at? Yeah, that's a chocolate dipped frozen banana. Heaven in your mouth. We could not WAIT to get one!
Here's LOML inside Bruce's mouth. As much as I love Disney movies and all that, I'm a little disappointed that they Disneyfied some of the attractions. I loved the Living Seas just as it was before Nemo and friends took over.
While at the Seas, they have these interactive sections and some living sections.
By living, I mean they're like mini aquariums.
I could literally spend hours and hours just watching all the sea creatures.
I loved watching this little guy get his food. He was such a social outcast with everyone! LOL!
And I've never really seen starfish move before. It was kind of neat to watch them navigate the bottom of the tank.
After we were done with a couple of the lands in Future World, we decided to head back to World Showcase. I love World Showcase. I love the food and the shopping.
I had heard about this new interactive "game" that guests could play that took you all over one of the countries using a cell phone to give you clues. It was hosted by Kim Possible and you had to go and obtain clues to help KP save the world.
It was so much fun. We got our cell phone in Norway and ended up having to save Norway. You don't always end up saving the country you got your phone in, however.
It's also a bit educational, but not overboard. You had to go into the Stave church at one point and learn about the length of a certain Viking ship. They also had it set up to where when you went to a certain spot, they took your picture and then sent it to you via the phone! There were all sorts of places in the countries where when you pressed ok on the phone, something "magical" would happen. They also have these drop off boxes disguised as relics where you could deposit your phone once you were done with the game.
LOML had a blast. So did I. If you're making a trip anytime soon, I highly recommend this. It takes about 30 minutes to complete.
Here's LOML with her phone.

Next, we headed back to Mexico and rode the ride and shopped for a bit.
After Mexico, we went back to Norway (in the layout, Mexico comes first, followed by Norway, but since we had only done breakfast and the Kim Possible thing in Norway, we still wanted to do the ride and shop and eat...again.).
We ate lunch at Norway and had the most delicious sandwich EVER. It was thin sliced ham piled on thick with sliced green apples and either havarti or grueyere cheese melted on top. It was all between two thick slices of some sort of multigrain bread. OMG! We're gonna try to reproduce it at home.
Here's mom shaking the trolls hand. Look how HUGE that hand is. The trolls hand is HUGE, too. LOL! Just kidding, mom. Mom's actually a tiny person. All 4'11" of her.
Next was China where LOML ate her lunch of pot stickers. She LOVES pot stickers and especially the ones at China.
We shopped for a bit and then as we were on our way out of China, we saw the set up for the Chinese gymnast and stopped to watch them.
They are so frickin' impressive.
Here's the guy tossing some bowls on top of his head.
And here he is tossing a SPOON in the top bowl!
I dare anyone to try that at home.
Wait, maybe not.
Next on our stop was Germany. We just ducked in and contemplated some brats and kraut, but decided against it this time.
On to Italy!
I love the World Showcase players. They are usually incredibly hilarious. They get people from the crowd to come assist and be part of the performance, so it literally changes from show to show depending on the cooperation of the guests.
This one was in Italy and the show was Romeo and Edna. Below is a clip.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Lady and the Tramp and was so thrilled to see their topiaries up! They are made up ENTIRELY of plants.
Next stop, the American Adventure.
Well, we actually didn't stop there. I'm not really into the American Pavilion. I don't care for the show that much and the time period in which the pavillin is set is not appealing to me. Call me unpatriotic, but I don't care. The info is stuff that was pounded in my head over and over and over again in school that it ruined me forever on getting any kind of enjoyment out of this Pavilion.
After that, Japan. I love shopping in Japan. LOML's feet were tired so we took about an hour break in Japan just watching the drummers and taking turns shopping.
Next is my favorite country (or one of them). Morocco!
I LOVE the shopping Morocco. It's so exotic and mysterious.
LOML discovered these hats. I told her that if we still had some money left over at the end of the trip, I'd get her one.

Here she is in the back part of Morocco. I love all the tile work.
I've always heard about Mo Rockin', but had never heard them play. They are an incredible group that blends traditional Moroccon music with more modern sounds.
Of course, it doesn't hurt to have a genuine belly dancer there to draw in the (mostly male) crowd!
We made our way to France where we wanted to end the night. We still had the UK and Canada left to do, but we decided to call it a night and head back to the hotel for some much needed rest.
Before we left though, LOML wanted to take a pic of the treat we all shared from the French bakery.
19 really cool people who give a rat's patootie:
Fantastic diary of your day! It's been 11 years, but I also love Morocco - and I would never pass up the desserts in France either. LOML looks like so much fun to go there with. Hugs!
LOve Disney World, its been about 12 years since I went, never got to see the African safari & stuff, but I want to go back! You have made me want to go back so bad, thanks for that! lol
GOD! I am STARVING NOW. Gee thanks. Ohhh I saw a Yellow Tang! (fish) Bobby and his saltwater tanks at home have all kinds of fun stuff in them! I have to go back and watch all the videos when my boss quits making me work so much...
Epcot is my favorite Disney Park. Oh and The Rose and Crown in the UK is the BEST place to watch the laser show. You have to get there early to get a seat though.
LOML is too flipping adorable
Ariel is for sure a dude.
Hey, we are road tripping your way, check out Chris' blog for where we will be, if you're along our route, we'd love to say hi!!
P.S. Thanks for the earrings, my daughter loves them
You guys look like you had a blast! Who knew you could travel the world in such a short time!
Snow White is a lefty...word.
Ariel IS a dude...weird.
We did the Princess breakfast on one of our trips...2007, I think. But I love to save our meals for the world showcase! We have eaten in Morocco, Germany, Japan, and the UK. I think that Morocco is my favorite. And Madalyn LOVES to shop in Japan...where she can get her fill of Hello Kitty and Pokemon!
This year...we are planning to eat in France...and I am not sure where else. I can make my reservations starting on the 28th!
I don't think Ariel looks manly. But she does look like she's made out of plastic.
Its a MAN, baby! Glad you girls had fun in my back yard (Orl)!
Awesome Post! Dontcha just love Florida. Think I'm packing my bags tonight!
Great photos!
- Jennifer
Great fun! Can't wait 'til the girls are old enough to enjoy Disney without it straining mom and dad!
Ariel had big hands and the troll had big hands. Did you happen to ever see them in the same place at the same time? Huh? Huh?
I've only been to disneyland in LA and it does not have all this.
I NEED to go to Florida.
Thanks for taking us with you. I really enjoyed this.
We did lunch with the Princesses @ Akershus during our trip... this was October 2007. After we ate, we did the Norway Viking ship "ride".
My kids still talk about the Viking ship.
Soarin'? Test Track? No. They're all about that damn Viking ship!
Ho.Lee.Cow. You did a ton of stuff. I am now ready for some smoked salmon, please.
I can't get past that Ariel...lady looks like a dude. How unfortunate for her!
My favorite spot in Epcot? Germany. At the Biergarten restaurant. Where Lowenbrau is on tap.
Love me through this admission.
Spaceship Earth was sitting up nice and high. I'd go with a 5-iron.
And where was Ariel's sea shell bra?
Good day, sun shines!
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