Awards and Whatnot
OK, so in the past few months, I've gotten several awards and have neglected to pretty them up and show them off.
Jess gave me one yesterday and that prompted me into today's post. With the exception of 2 awards, I know where they all came from.
Whoever gave me the other two, if you leave me a comment, I'll edit and add linky love. Pinky swear!
The first one and I do have to say it's my favorite because it comes from one of my most favoritest peeps on this whole Earth, is from Jess over at This Life is Mine.
She created this award so it's in its first sweep across bloggy land.
And what I like even more? No rules and no game to play. That's why Jess is da' gutterslut BOMB!.
I will say that if you want to grab this one and pass it along, by all means, do so. Make someone's day with this one. Everyone needs a laugh every now and then!
Yeah, this is one that I don't know who gave it to me. Teri, maybe? Not sure. If you gave this one to me, let me know so I can link up to you. Thanks for the award, whoever you are!

Pseudo over at Pseudonymous High School Teacher presented me with this lovely award. I love this lady. For many and various reasons.
The Snooty Primadonna gave me this lovely gem of an award. If you haven't checked her out, please do. She's quite the funny lady.

I love spring. These are some little wildflowery weedy things that grow in the yard. I put them in this teeny tiny bottle and put them in my kitchen window. I love putting a small bouquet (or even just one flower) in this bottle and letting the sun filter through the purple glass. Warms my heart.

Tabbouleh.........tasty. This is my lunch today. And tomorrow and probably Friday as well....wait, I'm in New Orleans on Friday. Never mind. I'll be eating something MUCH tastier on Friday...and Saturday...and, well, Sunday.
P.S. The CONTEST ends on Friday. Get your entries in for a gift card from Wal-Mart, Target or Barnes and Noble!
14 really cool people who give a rat's patootie:
Have a good time on your trip! That's cool about the Hawaii gifts. And I love your purple vase.
I love psuedo -- she's one of my absolute faves! I miss you MamaDawg! I've been out of my frickin' mind the last few weeks and have had so little time to play with you.
Hey, in case sharing my boobs with you was not enough ... today I wrote about the day I lost my clitoris. Oh yes, I did!! Remember yesterday when I asked you if I should risk offending the entire Internet and you said YES I SHOULD?!!
Well, today's post is the result! I'm totally blaming you. Not for my missing clitoris, but for the fact I wrote about it.
Wow, I love your purple vase photo too!
- Jennifer
I knew it. You are fancy and now even more decorated. Congrats!!
I LOVE New Orleans! The food is crazy good. I can just never get enough. Aw, I wish I was going!!!
Look at all those awards! Well-deserved! :)
Woot woot!
I am going back to my homeland this weekend too! But for a baby shower. Not nearly as fun. But I am going to eat at my favorite Mexican place! Ohhh exciting! Have fun in New Orleans!
Congrats on all the awards!! you deserve them, love the purple vase!
You got a hula girl!? Pictures! Do you know how hard it is to get a hula girl? I'd kill for one. For reals.
Do you need a hand lifting all those things and loading up the trophy cabinet? I'd be happy to help.
All well deserved! Congrats there Mama Dawg!
You'll need to start another blog just for your bling.
You are too sweet. You deserve all the awards and then some.
That junior homey is DOPE. Fo reals.
Love love love tabouleh. Mmmmm.
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