Our Easter
Yeah, I don't have a wittier title. Sorry.
We had a nice Easter. On Saturday, LOML went to my aunt's church. They were having an Easter Egg hunt for kids in the neighboring area.
Funny story.....the preacher there (who's new) knew my aunt C back in school. Per her, he was her first kiss.
LOML knows this story and when we were over at my grandmother's house the next day telling my aunt M all about the egg hunt, I mentioned that my aunt C had said that she knew him back in school and LOML spoke up and said in a "knowing" voice, "Mmmm, hmmmm, yeah, we know how they know each other".
I about died!
(LOML is the one with the black leggings)

(Here she is on the jumpy thing. I hate these things.)
Later that night, we came home and dyed Easter eggs.
(Me thinks perhaps the doggies might be a wee bit interested in what she's doing. Look at that concentration.....on LOML AND the dogs!)

(Here's our set up and the blank canvasses, so to speak.)

(This is my favorite egg color...well, at least one of them!)
Later that night, LOML decided that she needed to leave the Easter Bunny a note advising him (her?) that we now have Max the dog and that he (she?) might want to be careful when hiding the eggs.

(Her haul...behind the candy is an I Spy book, Brain Quest 4th grade, socks, a c.d. make-up, notebooks, a new frisbee.....etc...)

(Here she is finding an egg on my car.)

(Here we are all dressed in our Easter finest. Since losing 25+ lbs and going down two dress sizes, I can finally wear a dress again! Yay me! I fell in love with my dress immediately. I adore LOML's as well.)
After church, we headed over to my grandmother's to show off our dresses and to hide eggs with my aunt C.
23 really cool people who give a rat's patootie:
Looks like ya'll had a great time. I love your dress! I have a thing for polka dots.
Wow. That was a full, cool, day!
ha! At first glance I was like... WHY did she give her a can of Kilz? haha glad you two had a blast. I wish I was still capable of smiling that big over colored eggs. So sweet.
I love your polka dot dress! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun...LOML cracked me up with the preacher remark. :)
You girls sure clean up nice!
I'd like to think that the dogs got a hard-boiled egg each.
Looks like you guys had a fun filled day, including the dogs! Love the pic of the dogs and loml concentrating so hard!
And love both your dresses!
Looks like you ladies had a happy Easter! You ot some great pictures of all the fun. I'm getting worse and worse about taking pics, it seems these days.
Great photos. I love your fish egg tray!
OHHHH I loved the pictures!!
LMAO! We know how they know each other! That is AWESOME! I would have cracked UP!
25 lost? Not to worry. I found 'em for you.
Your day looks much like our Saturday, but with my three heathens of course and no LOML in my pics. That I have yet to post. Because they are still on the camera. In my purse. I think.
I love the inflatable "jumpy things" That looked like a blast! I wanna do it, but if my atheist ass gets near a church I may get struck by lightening...so ill pass
Looks like fun! I'm glad LOML had a great holiday :) And Max... he looks pretty tired! lol! I'm glad he didn't catch the bunny though- bunny needed to make it over to our house, too! :)
First of all, congrats on losing the weight. You look mahvelous!
I love that LOML is airborne on that slide.
And really cool egg colors. Our eggs are still white. We get behind. :-)
Love the picture of the dogs watching her do her egg!
Great pictures! Looks like you guys had a really good Easter! I love the picture of LOML with the finished eggs, she looks so proud!
Looks like fun and you guys both looked bee-u-ti-ful!
What a great Easter, and what a great post! I love all the pics, especially the picking the egg off the car while wearing her robe. Awesome! And the airborne pic rocks. Love the dyed eggs. That green one is really very pretty.
you guys look like you had a blast. Congrats on losing 25 lbs...!! so GREAT!! :)
Nice dress, GF.
I love the Easter stuff. What's not to like. and you girls look great in your Easter dresses.
You are looking mighty fine, I gotta say. The two of you are unstoppable.
Love LOML's "yeah, we know how they know each other" comment. Love the azaleas blooming...love the eggs...love all of it.
LOVE Max's pose.
Beautiful Easter dresses! Congrats on the weight loss!
I love the beautiful, colorful eggs! Y'all did a great job painting.
LOML is so adorable.
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