Dancing Queen
Soooooo....Friday night was LOML's 7th dance recital.
Other than the fact that the song to her tap routine was pretty lame and the cowboy "jacket" was god-awful tight on their little arms, it was a wonderful recital.
Well......at least as far as my kid was concerned.
I'm not one of those parents that enjoy dance recitals. I'm that parent that wants all three of my kids dances to be right at the beginning so we can be home in time for dinner.
But, that's not ever gonna happen.
Luckily, I only have to sit and watch about 3 routines before I have to get up again to go help her change into her next outfit.
There's something to be said for the small miracles in life.
Anywho, you now get to see photos and a short video of my completely AWESOME kid at her dance recital.
And yes, you have to watch the video. Why? Because when I visit your site, I watch yours. So there....phhhbbbttt!
This is her first dance. It's a tap dance and was set to "The Hamster Dance" song. The most annoying song on the face of the earth.
This was her idea for a pose. She's so clever.

Here's the full effect of the outfit. Yeah, not my favorite one.

Here she is dancing away!

This is her most awesome jazz outfit. They danced to "Old Blue Jeans" by Miley Cyrus and they rocked the house. These are her own jeans. I love how they saved us some money on the costumes by letting us use our own. I love this outfit and I love this dance.
24 really cool people who give a rat's patootie:
She looks great! You should be proud. Posts like these really make me yearn for a little girl. I love all the girlie, dancey stuff. The photo of she and G.G. is very cool!
No wonder you're so proud of her. She's cute as a button, nailed the dance in the vid and looks adorable in all her outfits! Glad GG could attend; that's awesome at 84!
She is such a great little dancer! I love the outfit for the Jazz performance! Very Very Very cute. Well done LOML!
My son used to be quite the tap dancer. I miss those days!
Great costumes, btw, but I know the expense is ridiculous for that stuff.
If its country its faith Hill, if its rap its Fabulous! lol
I watched your video :)
but ONLY because you watch mine. you are funny.
That was awesome and she is a cutie! We skipped a year of dance and will be going with a new studio next year. I miss it, but like you, I hate sitting thru it all!
I am just gonna take a minute and point out that LOML was the ONLY one actually ON beat. That damn white girl with a hole in her pants was about three beats ahead and bouncing like it was 380 bpm. Next time you see her, just slap her up side the head for me...mmmk? Thanks.
Secondly, I am very excited for LOML to turn 18 as the clubs will be thankful to have someone who can actually dance. And so will me and Bobby. We are dancing MACHINES!
Very cute. LOML did a fantastic job in her jazz routine. I can't wait to get the girls into dance and gymnastics, but I am also like you: I hate recitals. I hate stage moms too. This may not work out for me.
Wow! I am always so impressed with these young kids that can memorize their routines and then just rock it up on the stage. :) Congrats!!
And the ballet dress is so gorgeous.... she looks like a little bride to be or like she's going to first communion.
Aww, she did such a great job! TOTALLY rocked that dance where she was in the middle! What an awesome girl she is. I see why you're proud :)
sniff. total flashback to my dance recitals. i'm sure my mother was tearing out her hair, too.
also? THANK YOU for doing this for LOYL. seriously. you are a cool mom. cool moms do stuff like this for their kids... instead of throwing them outside and saying 'go play leave me alone'.
:) good mom :)
Please tell my BFF that she is awesome and how impressed am I that she does ballet, tap, and jazz. Look out Mama. I was where you are and now I have a 19 year old majoring in music and planning on moving to NYC after college graduation.
Breathe, at least the version I am thinking of, is by Sia.
She rocked it out!
OK, here's where I prove that not only have I been to a bojillion recitals, I've also been IN them. (For 12 years. Seriously.)
*She remembered to smile.
*She had total stage presence.
*She was not looking at the others girls, aka checking to see if she was doing it right.
*She was completely confident during the performance.
I have her tens across the board. Loved the "Old Blue Jeans" costume, too. So hip.
p.s. My girls call their great-grandmother GeGe. She's almost 86 and has been to every one of Libbey's recitals. This year is her 5th. GeGe will be there, Lord willing and the creek don't rise.
Nobody puts Baby in the back row!! front and center is where she belongs!
LOML was AWESOME. That little blond behind here was such a poser.
That's so sweet. Sigh ... I miss having a girl at home.
Don't lie. She learned those moves from you, didn't she?
Also, the ballet dress...ADORABLE!
Loved the dance, loved the costumes, and mine danced for six years, ballet, tap, and jazz, so I remember the expense of the costumes, tights, shoes, leotards, and lessons! Yikes! Absolutely worth every penny.
Wonderful share. She looks beautiful in her outfits. I also noticed that during her dance she seemed to be the only one on time throughout the dance. Good for her, that is a tough thing to do.
That was great, she is such a natural born star!!! Loved the pictures too
You are quite rightly the Proud Mama. I was never much into dance recitals myself - but without them, I would not have the memory of 8-year-old Girl and 6-year-old Boy dancing in bright yellow lame outfits and feathers to "Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens". That little lady of yours knows how to shake a tail feather. Congrats!
She looks like a bad ass with that red hat in that pose. But don't tell her I said bad "ass". Tell her I said bad "butt".
Oh BEAUTIFUL!!! I really wish Diva would have stayed in dance!!!
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