...till I get back to regularly scheduled posts.
Yesterday, we went to the creek again and had a picnic. This time my mom went with us and snapped these first two shots. We're acting all goofy on top of the hay bale!

She's so gonna hate me one day for always trying to lick her in pictures. But she tastes so good! LOL!
She's fake sleeping in this pic. We were both laying out on the hay bales and enjoying the breeze and the sunshine.
Spring has sprung in these here parts.
These are so cheerful. They never fail to bring a smile to my face.

More signs of spring.

So delicate.

These blue bottles are all around the magnolia tree at my grandmother's place. I love 'em. So shiny and blue.

Is this what they mean by rolling in the hay? Cause if so, Max has it down.

City kids have cable. We have rotten logs to kick.

First attempt at climbing a tree. I've tried for years to get her to do this. But, she finally caved in. I took her to the HUGE magnolia tree in my grandmother's yard and showed her which limbs to use.


Happy Tuesday!
Mama Dawg
© Two Dogs Running…all rights reserved
25 really cool people who give a rat's patootie:
Really, is there anything better than climbing a tree & looking at the world from your perch?
And I love the blue bottles... but I love everything blue. Those bottles might be worth something actually. I would say I hate to see them lying around like that but they sure made for a great picture...
these are great pics!! i'm so jealous that you have spring and i don't yet!!!
your daughter is just beautiful and i love the blue bottles! congrats to her on her fab-mad tree climbing skillz!
It's a joy to see signs of spring. Won't be seeing that here for another 2 months :(
And I wanna know why there are blue bottles under the tree?
Oh I love this post. So much like over here. We moved out here to the KUNTRY last May and my kids (and dog) are so happy. My oldest loves "her tree" to hang out in and be alone. My middle picked wildflowers all day yesterday. The youngest..well, all boy. He loves ANYTHING outside!
What do you supposed was in all of those blue bottles? Those would make great little vases for our wildflowers. Send some our way!!!
Awe, look at you two! You're both gorgeous. :)
I wanna wear short sleeves!!! : )
Cute pics!
Wel, all that just looks like FUN!! I wanna play!
Great pictures of a great day. I was a big time tree climber mysef in my day.
Looks like someone had a heckofa Milk of Magnesia habit! I collect cobalt glass-I NEED one of those bottles!
Great pictures! Looks like you guys are enjoying some mighty fine weather. 60 and rainy here :(
I need to take some damn photos...everyone has good ones...except for me.
Great pictures.....ahh spring that doesn't arrive in Canada til April or May, we still have snow everywhere and today it is -10.
Looks like you had a great day! Love the licking picture!
And you get spring in february? Eff this place, I am moving out your way!
VERY PRETTY PICS!! I love those blue bottles....why are they there? and btw...i dont have cable and im a city kid...lol :)
I love those blue bottles. And my two favourite southern ladies.
Freakin Blogger! That last one was me.
aww love it. she's cute as always!
I love daffodils!
She is absolutely lovely! What a memory you made that day. I love all the pictures and it's so nice to see a peek of springtime.
I dig the blue bottles, but why are they there? Were they "planted" there for decorative purposes? Or they leftovers from some long ago moonshine endeavor?
the look on your face in that first picture is how I see you in my mind. :) Hope you're doing well. Miss ya sister - Jenny
I thought I wanted just a wee bit of snow so I could take pictures. But after looking at all your early Spring stuff, I am positive that I would rather have a very early Spring. I need some tulips.
My grandma has the same bottles and they are worth money, it's some special kind of glass. Love your tree climber, my kids live in the trees!
That was very sweet.
I love those blue bottles...and the climbing Magnolia tree...and the photos of you with LOYL.
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